How can we create a common outside-in understanding and a customers focus across functions and geography in an organisation?
The Danish Agrifish Agency gathered all of their 1200 employees from all corners of Denmark to a one-day staff conference aimed at increasing customer focus in order to create a common understanding of what is important to the agency’s customers, what the customers’ everyday lives are like, and which the challenges they meet.
The DAA’s 1200 employees have very diverse tasks and for some the everyday is notably distant from that of the customers’. This means that a common understanding of the customers and a shared customer focus were challenged by differences in the employees view on points like: who the customers are and to what extent the customers re important to the daily work tasks.
Workz was hired to help formulate an involving and engaging programme for the staff conference that was to include learning possibilities, yet retaining an element of fun. Workz designed the content of the conference, undertook venue branding, and helped with practical arrangements on the day – including facilitation, venue briefing, and coordination.
The programme was formed in close collaboration with the Danish Agrifish Agency. It was based on interviews and workshops with employees and customers and included an introductory film about the customers, a learning game about customer dilemmas, and a talk show involving different stakeholders.
The mood on the day was positive, and the Agrifish Agency highlights that a Workz designed game about customer dilemmas greatly contributed to a present and shared customer focus for all employees, regardless of the level of customer contact their daily working tasks includes.